Jon Bodnyk

Founder & Co-owner, Jon Bodnyk leads with an established reputation as the “best of the best” in the technical field of the coated abrasive industry. He brings 30+ years expertise, coupled with a unique and highly personalized form of customer service. Jon completed his education at Ohio State and Brigham Young Universities, and has been active in coated abrasives almost his entire career. He was also instrumental in the initial development of the original finessing film disc and has successfully enhanced numerous sanding processes. Before becoming the Co-owner of Ally Finishing Solutions, Jon’s positions in the abrasive industry have included Sales Manager, Technical Manager, and Business Development Manager.

Teresa Bodnyk

As Co-owner of Ally Finishing Solutions, Teresa is responsible for operations, marketing, and special projects. Teresa brings a wealth of knowledge from her 30-year career which includes: Director of Business Development and Sales for industrial products, Marketing Communications, and working as a Director in local and state government agencies. Teresa is the “front-line” at Ally, and she directly provides our team and clients with personalized plans of action coupled with marketing strategies that are designed specifically for their goals.

Distributors & Warehouses

Ally Finishing Solutions has partnered with Distributors throughout the U.S. and Mexico that are specialists in their markets, and have been selected based on their ability to assist and support our end-users …….. our “real customers”. Our main goal is to offer products and services that are truly new and/or unique, at a fair price.   In addition, we also strive to continually work with our customers to remain competitive by positively impacting quality, productivity, cost, and the work environment. For quick and reliable delivery, Ally currently maintains warehouses in the midwest, southeast, and on the west coast.